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Feeling disconnected from your spouse and moving through life without true purpose can siphon the energy you need to be well and happy.

I want to help you connect with what you need and with the ones you love.

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What I want is for you to know you can find what to say, how to say it in a way that is aligned with your desire to stay safe, and a way demonstrate care for those you love.

What seems to be standing between you and your dream of a good life?


All of us are creators whether we know it or not.

You create and recreate your experience day after day through habit and your worldview/self-view.

This may not be news to you, but I have more to add.


By shifting the context of how you think change happens from determining what’s wrong with your life, or with you, towards noticing the root causes, you can better sustain wellness and a healthy relationship energy.


With my guidance, your discoveries may not lead to a gradual or strenuous period of change, but to shifts where all you notice is the relief after each realization.

Sound too radical to be true?

I can respect that.

But, what I want you to hear is this is more than just an approach to me. It has been something that I have made real within myself and in all my relationships.

By suspending the need to change my wife, or withdraw in order to feel safe as quickly as possible, I gradually became more open and tender. When I was not striving for solutions, I could offer empathy and be patient more often while waiting to ask for what I needed.  


The method is simple to practice because it can only be used effectively in the present moment with one issue at a time. 


Discover for yourself how you can develop a nuanced and sustainable insight practice which is specific to you alone. 


Richard Brydson Family Mediator
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What I Can Help You With

Create a Parenting Plan

Set Wellness Goals

Intuit Your Future Lifestyle

Establish New Habits



What you can look forward to when you hire me as a coach


Find real stability by learning to balance your need for autonomy with the equally important needs of closeness and connection in the present moment


Become a consistent conscious agent in your individual growth and in your relationship with a partner


Cultivate presence so that opportunities to deepen your awareness of self, others or the world will contribute to future change


Notice the presence of the heart in all interactions and value how it will move you to be your best self


Develop the capacity to care for yourself and your partner, even while experiencing pain and suffering

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Let’s Talk

During your free consultation, we will discuss what's most important to you, explore options and potential solutions. By the end of the call I will make sure that my services are appropriate for you and make a proposal to meet your needs. Call or book a consultation today to discover how the Aligned Choices Mediation approach can help.

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